10 filmų

The story of life on our planet by the man who has seen more of the natural world than any other. In more than 90 years, Attenborough has visited every continent on the globe, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. Addressing the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, the film offers a powerful message of hope for future generations.

2021 rugpjūčio 27

Tolimoje ateityje astronautė, patekusi į seniai ištuštėjusią Žemę, turi nuspręsti likusių dykumos gyventojų likimą.

2011 lapkričio 11

2041-ieji metai. Genialus, bet drovus programuotojas Aleksas grįžta namo, į gimtąjį universitetą. Naujoji jo užduotis – sukurti robotų vaikų liniją. Susipažinęs su savo dukterėčia – dešimtmete Eva, Aleksas paprašo jos pabūti kuriamo roboto modeliu. Programuodamas dirbtinį intelektą, stebėdamas mergaitės elgesį ir atlikdamas įvairius emocinius testus, jis netrukus ima abejoti šiuo projektu. Be to, vyriškiui kyla įtarimas, kad Eva ir jos motina (buvusi Alekso mylimoji) slepia nuo jo kažkokią paslaptį.

1956 kovo 25

Four astronauts returning from man's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. At first unaware where they are, but finding the atmosphere safe to breathe, they start exploring and find themselves in a divided future where disfigured mutants living like cavemen inhabit the surface, while the normals live comfortably below the surface but are dying as a race from lack of natural water, air and sunlight.

It's 2067, the UK is vegan, but older generations are suffering the guilt of their carnivorous past. Simon Amstell asks us to forgive them for the horrors of what they swallowed.

2023 kovo 7

In the year 2057, a greedy CEO takes control of the Earth, and it's up to his rebellious daughter and a cyberpunk hacker to save mankind.

2012 gegužės 26

With most of the crew of the Noah-1 dead, it is left to the few survivors to save mankind.

2019 spalio 24

Maria, a fearless soldier, and TS-347, a man with superhuman strength, are being pursued by a military cell responsible for scientific experiments that have resulted in a zombie apocalypse. On the way, they will meet Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a great hangover. Together, they will try to escape to a safe place, but complications will cross their paths in the form of a nuclear bomb.

Nuclear energy: a clean energy for the future or a risk for humanity? As the European Union has classed nuclear as a green energy, France is building new power plants whilst Germany is decommissioning them. An in depth look at the future of atomic energy in the coming decades.

2021 gegužės 30

Desperate for a clue to a mysterious case, an Investigator pushes for a last-minute interview with his only witness: a corrupt A.I. Now the Investigator has 10 minutes to find out what the A.I. knows before it is dismantled by the scientists.

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